Elected Essentials Training Videos

Learn the basics of municipal governance

The LOC’s Elected Essentials program provides newly elected officials, experienced elected officials, and city staff with free training on the basics of municipal governance in Oregon.  

Roles & Authority of a High Functioning Council

Learn about the council/manager form of government, the roles, and responsibilities of council and city managers and will seek to achieve a facilitated discussion that allows attendees to seek experienced advice on how responsibilities are shared between council and their administrator. 
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Public Meetings in Oregon - Legal Requirements & Best Practices

Learn what constitutes a meeting for purposes of the state’s Public Meeting Law, the legal requirements associated with public meetings, serial meetings, executive sessions, and free speech implications of public participation during meetings. 
Note: this training has not been certified by the Oregon Government Ethics Commission.​​​​​​​
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Ethics Awareness - Understanding Your Legal Obligations

Learn about how elected officials are prohibited from using their office to their benefit, conflicts of interest, gifts, nepotism, outside employment parameters, restrictions on subsequent employment once they no longer work for or represent a city, and statements of economic interest.
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Public Records in Oregon - What City Officials Need to Know

Learn the purpose behind Public Records Law, what is considered and is not considered public record, the state’s retention schedule, requirements related to the inspection and disclosure of public records, and legal challenges related to the denial of access to public records.
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Information for Newly-Elected Officials

Congratulations!  You’ve been elected to serve as a municipal official in Oregon. You probably have a few questions - LOC is here to help!

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