James C. Richards Memorial Award
The James C. Richards Memorial Award was created by the LOC Board of Directors in 1980 in memory of Jim Richards, a former city councilor in Bay City and administrative officer for Tillamook County. The award recognizes exceptional contributions by elected city officials to the League of Oregon Cities and at the local, state and federal levels.
About James C. Richards
In addition to his local responsibilities, Jim Richards served on the LOC Board of Directors and Legislative Committee, chaired the Local Officials Advisory Committee to LCDC, and served on the Local Government Advisory Committee to the Building Codes Division.
Richards contributed his time selflessly to the cause of cities around the state. He often traveled to Salem to represent cities and the League before legislative committees. Richards would even camp out in the League office for two or three days to personally call other city officials and urge them to attend legislative hearings.
Any elected city official from any size city is eligible to be nominated for the Richards Award.
The Selection Process
Each year, a selection committee is appointed to judge the entries. The committee is comprised of five judges, including past LOC presidents (who must still hold elected office), LOC past board members (who must have served three years and still hold elected or appointed office), and a mix of elected or appointed LOC members. The selection committee may grant the award to only one nominee. The selection committee reserves the right to withhold the bestowal of an award in any year.
In making its determination, the selection committee will consider the following factors:
- The nominee’s participation in the League of Oregon Cities and other municipal and professional organizations.
- The nominee’s contributions which reflect significant service, as compared to others, to the nominee’s city, regional government, the League of Oregon Cities, and at the state or national levels, with due consideration of the size of the nominee’s city.
- A demonstration of high ethical principles and conduct.
- The depth and breadth of support for the nominee from within and outside the nominee’s own city.
- The degree to which the nominee would be readily identified by peers and colleagues as a role model/example of exceptional public service.
Nominations may be submitted by anyone; the nominator need not be from the nominee’s city. Submissions are due by Friday, September 6, 2024.