2020 Helen & Alan Berg Good Governance Award Nominees
The LOC City Awards recognize and encourage excellence, innovation, efficiency and great public service in city government. It’s an opportunity for your city to receive the recognition it deserves. Winners can use their success as a positive selling point for their communities and as a boost to the community’s spirit. The awards also serve as a forum for sharing the best public service practices in Oregon.
The Helen and Alan Berg Good Governance Award highlights city programs that encourage “reconnecting” citizens to their community. Similar to the Award for Excellence, this award recognizes programs, projects or events which have a specific purpose of reaching out to and/or educating citizens. This award was renamed in 2010 by the LOC Board of Directors to honor the memory of former LOC Presidents and Corvallis Mayors Helen Berg and Alan Berg.
Review/Selection Process
Each year a selection committee is appointed to judge the entries, comprised of past LOC presidents, state legislators, media and higher education representatives, and others. In evaluating the entries, the judges will consider whether the program:
1) Successfully engages citizens in local government processes;
2) Enhances citizens’ awareness of local government decision-making;
3) Fosters local leadership through education, planning efforts, volunteerism, etc.;
4) Is innovative in encouraging citizen involvement, openness, transparency and inclusiveness; and
5) Is replicable by other communities.