Last Year's Award Winners
The 2019 Exceptional Service Awards and City Awards were handed out during the LOC Conference last September, recognizing outstanding city officials and community projects.
Questions about the Virtual Conference?
Lisa Trevino
Project Coordinator
Honoring excellence in local government
The 2020 Exceptional Service Awards and City Awards were handed out during the virtual LOC Annual Conference, recognizing outstanding city officials and community projects. Congratulations to this year's winners!
Civic Education Award
Dr. Phil Cooper, Portland State University Professor
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Herman Kehrli Award
Michael Sykes, Retired Scappoose City Manager
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James C. Richards Memorial Award
Brad Nanke, Salem City Councilor
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Do you know of an individual who has made outstanding contributions to your community or to the state of Oregon? Recognize those efforts by nominating them for one of the LOC’s individual awards.
This award recognizes exceptional contributions by elected city officials to the League of Oregon Cities and at the local, state and federal levels.
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This award is granted to a city employee who has provided lasting benefits to their community through exceptional contributions to city government.
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A statesman is defined as “one who is versed in the art of government.” This award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated similar statesmanship and exemplary service that has positively affected the citizens of Oregon.
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This award acknowledges individuals who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to nurturing civic responsibility in youth.
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These awards recognize and encourage excellence, innovation, efficiency and great public service in city government. It’s an opportunity for your city to receive the recognition it deserves. Winners can use their success as a positive selling point for their communities and as a boost to the community’s spirit. The awards also serve as a forum for sharing the best public service practices in Oregon.
This award recognizes cities that have undertaken progressive and innovative approaches to city operations and providing services to their citizens.
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This award recognizes programs, projects or events which have a specific purpose of reaching out to and/or educating citizens.
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The 2019 Exceptional Service Awards and City Awards were handed out during the LOC Conference last September, recognizing outstanding city officials and community projects.