LOC News
Immediate Action Required by NEUs to Receive Second Round of ARPA Funds
ARPA Reporting Deadline for Largest Cities is January 31 (1/14/22)
Treasury Releases Webinar on ARPA Final Rule (1/14/22)
Watch: LOC Webinar on State ARPA Funded Projects(1/24/22)
Treasury Opens ARPA Reporting Portal to Smaller Cities (12/17/21)
Treasury Releases Updated Reporting Guidance (11/10/21)
ARPA Reporting Deadline Extended (10/8/21)
Update - Distributions for Projects Receiving State ARPA Funds (8/27/21)
Watch Now - American Rescue Plan Informational Webinar (8/27/21)
DAS Expected to Begin Accepting ARPA Requests Week of July 19 (7/16/21)
Treasury Releases Additional ARPA Guidance for Smaller Cities (5/25/21)
Watch Now - American Rescue Plan Webinar(5/20/21)
Congress Passes the American Rescue Plan - Local Governments Win!(3/12/21)
National League of Cities News
Webinar: How ARPA is Impacting Small Businesses (6/11/21)
Supporting Local Businesses with America’s Rescue Plan (4/15/21)
Webinar: Coordinating Federal Relief: Assessing Community Needs -(4/21/21)
Local Recovery: Five Principles for ARP Implementation (4/5/21)
President's American Jobs Plan is Critical to Local Economic Recovery (4/1/21)
Seven Local Goals for Recovery Legislation (3/29/21)
COVID-19 Local Response Principles (3/6/21)