Chapter 24: Building Regulations
The Oregon State Building Codes Division, part of Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, adopts, administers, and enforces a uniform, statewide building code to govern construction in Oregon. Through the state municipal building inspection program, many cities have assumed administration and enforcement of the building inspection program.
This chapter will discuss: the role of the state of Oregon; the authority of cities to apply the building code; and a summary of the state’s building codes. Lastly, this chapter will discuss other regulations or interested parties that impact buildings such as the state fire code, the national historic landmark program and the state historic preservation officer.
Topics Include:
- Building Codes Defined
- Oregon Building Code
- Building Code Tools
- Building Permits
- Building Code Trends
- Collaboration with Office of the State Fire Marshal
- Municipal Building Inspection Program
- City Authority
- Building Officials
- Uniform Forms and Fees
- Enforcement
- Building Code Disputes
- Specialty Codes
- Citations
- Appeals
- Municipal Liability