LOC News

U.S. Treasury Releases New ARPA FAQ and Second Tranche Guidance

On April 27, the U.S. Treasury released a new FAQ document to answer some common questions American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) recipients have had around the Final Rule that became effective April 1.  

Additionally, Treasury released some new information this week on second tranche payments to larger cities that will receive funds directly from Treasury, and to states that will pass through the second payments to smaller cities (NEUs).  These payments are expected to arrive about one year after the first payments are received.

Treasury is reminding cities that they need to make sure their SAM.gov entity registration is still active in order to receive the second half of their ARPA allocation.  Instructions on renewing registrations are here.  There is no charge for renewing your city’s SAM.gov registration, but we are aware that some cities have received scam emails asking for a renewal payment.

The above documents also provide information on how to update a new authorized representative for cities who have had staffing changes.

The following additional resources are available to help cities comply with spending and reporting requirements:

Documents (See also Treasury’s webpage)

Webinars (See also Treasury’s YouTube)


Mark Gharst, Lobbyist - mgharst@orcities.org or 503-991-2192

Last Updated 4/29/22

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