LOC News

Treasury Extends Deadlines for ARPA Reporting

The U.S. Treasury has extended the deadline for submission of the first Project and Expenditure Reports, which were originally due on October 31, 2021, as follows:

  • For “metropolitan cities” the report will now be due on January 31, 2022 and will cover the period between award date and December 31, 2021.  There are generally cities with a population greater than 50,000 which receive their ARPA funds directly from Treasury, a list of these cities is available here.  
  • For non-entitlement units of government (NEUs) that receive their funds from the Oregon Department of Administrative Services, the Project and Expenditure Report will now be due on April 30, 2022 and will cover the period between award date and March 31, 2022.  A list of those cities can be found here.

Further instructions will be provided at a later date, including updates to the Compliance and Reporting Guidance, as well as a user guide to assist recipients to gather and submit the information through Treasury’s reporting portal.

LOC member cities classified as metropolitan cities by the U.S. Treasury had their first Interim Report on American Rescue Plan Act spending due to Treasury on August 31.  Cities with a population greater than 250,000 (Portland) also had to complete a Recovery and Performance Report by August 31.  NUEs were not required to complete these additional reports.

The National League of Cities has complied the following list of links that may be helpful in meeting reporting requirements, but again, we are expecting updated guidance before the next reporting is due:

  • Reporting and Compliance Guidance: This explains all the required reports in detail and the best first stop for any reporting questions.
  • Reporting guidance technical assistance webinars: With individual webinars for different types of jurisdictions, these webinars provide a good overview of reporting.
  • Reporting User Guide: This contains detailed submissions instructions and includes answers to frequently asked reporting questions.
  • Reporting user guide video: This new video walks through the user guide, reporting portal, and provides additional details on how to submit required reports.
  • Recovery Plan template: This provides a sample template for the Recovery Plan Performance Report for states, territories, and large localities.
  • Treasury Portal Video Walkthrough: This pre-recorded video shows how to enter data into the portal for interim reports and recovery plans.  
  • Evidence and Equity Webinars: The evidence and equity webinars provide technical assistance for recipients on how they can include evidence and equity in the spending and reporting.
  • FAQs:  These are the best resource for any policy related questions related to reporting
  • Additional Questions: Individual recipients may send any questions that are not answered in these materials to SLFRP@treasury.gov.

Additional Resources


Mark Gharst, Lobbyist - mgharst@orcities.org or 503-991-2192

Last Updated 10/8/21

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