LOC News

Thank You, Ariel Nelson!

LOC Lobbyist Ariel Nelson has accepted a position with the city of Hillsboro to lead its government affairs program.  Since joining the League in 2019, Ariel has directed legislative work on housing, homelessness, and land use issues. Her accomplishments have left a significant legacy for the LOC and its members.

Ariel’s efforts over the last five years culminated during the recent legislative session, as multiple cities received generational investments through state-funded infrastructure projects critical for housing development.  Ariel’s ongoing lobbying and building member involvement closed the gap, convincing the Legislature that infrastructure funding was a key driver in housing costs.

In addition, Ariel brought the LOC to the forefront of housing issues and finding solutions in response to the current homelessness crisis.  She also contributed significant time and energy at the national level, providing key technical and policy support to respond to the National League of Cities' proposed Housing Accelerator over the last 12 months.

Ariel’s efforts are much appreciated by the LOC and our members, and we wish her well in representing Hillsboro.

Contact: Jim McCauley, Legislative Director - jmccauley@orcities.org

Last Updated 6/28/24

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