LOC News

City Testimony Needed on Statewide Shelter Funding Framework

On Monday, February 24, the House Committee on Housing and Homelessness will hear HB 3644, Governor Kotek’s shelter funding framework.

HB 3644 is designed to create a programmatic approach at the state level for the funding of homeless shelters. Prior to 2020, the Legislature did not make large scale investments in homeless sheltering efforts, but since then they have invested more than $100 million in shelters and related services. However, each investment has been a one-off, with its own unique eligibility and uses. HB 3644 creates a standardized regional approach for shelter funding.  

Included in the bill is $217 million to sustain shelter operations that have previously been eligible for shelter funding.  In addition, the bill includes a new category of eligibility called the Safe Temporary Emergency Placement sites, or STEP program, to allow vehicular safe rest sites and non-congregant ‘pod’ shelters, making hundreds of shelter beds statewide eligible for state funding.

Cities are thankful for Governor Kotek’s inclusion of shelter funds within her budget and recognize the Legislature’s role in creating a budget based on multiple factors.  With that in mind, the LOC will be advocating for increasing that investment to a level that will also support newly eligible STEP shelters and the ability to expand the current shelter beds statewide to address the growing gap of needed beds and available beds.     

Cities – $217 million needs to be a floor not a ceiling for shelter funding. This bill is key to ensuring that cities have a sustained long-term position in the homeless services space at the state level. Reach out to your Representatives and submit testimony on why this package is important.

Contact: Alexandra Ring, Lobbyist – aring@orcities.org

Last Updated 2/21/25

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