LOC News

LOC and DLCD Hosting Webinar on Cultural Areas Rulemaking (Goal 5)

The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) are co-hosting a webinar on the DLCD’s Goal 5 Cultural Areas rulemaking process. The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) initiated this rulemaking in November 2023.  Here are the particulars:

Goal 5 Cultural Areas Rulemaking Webinar

Tuesday, July 9 at 12-1 p.m. Register here.

The DLCD expects the first public hearing on the draft rules will be held during LCDC’s September 24-25 meeting. Background materials are available online at www.oregon.gov/lcd/LAR/Pages/Goal5.aspx.

The DLCD encourages comments be submitted to dlcd.goal5CA@dlcd.oregon.gov and additional questions are welcome to Amanda.Punton@dlcd.oregon.gov.


While statewide land use planning Goal 5 includes reference to the inventory and associated strategies to protect cultural resources, it does not define or operationalize protections for these areas. In 1996, the LCDC adopted rules for inventorying and protecting other resources in OAR Chapter 660 Division 23. Developing similar guidelines for cultural areas was postponed at this time until statewide government-to-government relationships were better established.

Contact: Nolan Pleše, Lobbyist – nplese@orcities.org

Last Updated 6/14/24

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