LOC News

Legislation Making Strikes More Likely Passes Senate

With the bare minimum of 16 votes, the Oregon Senate passed legislation this week that allows striking workers to access unemployment benefits. SB 916 now moves to the House for additional consideration.

The LOC remains opposed to this bill as it will mitigate risks for one side during labor negotiations, and in all likelihood will lead to disruptions in vital public services.

Under SB 916, public employers would be required to reimburse the Unemployment Insurance Fund dollar-for-dollar on claims by striking workers on top of the cost of hiring replacement workers to meet public need.

While the bill did pass the Senate, it did not receive a supermajority.  This preserves the ability of cities and counties to challenge added costs as unfunded mandate. 

Contact: Scott Winkels, Lobbyist - swinkels@orcities.org

Last Updated 3/21/25

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