LOC News
Cities Must Register to Receive CRF Funding
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has established a Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Grant Portal for cities to use as they go forward with the distribution of CRF dollars into their communities. The agency has also provided instructions on how to access the portal. Your city must register on the portal to receive its share of CRF money. DAS is asking that the grant manager be the registered user and that the registrant is authorized to seek reimbursement on behalf of the city. If the city prefers that someone other than the grant manager is the registrant, DAS is asking that the grant manager notify them via email at CoronavirusReliefFund@Oregon.gov. This is also the general email where you can ask DAS questions.
This grant portal is for your per-capita allocation of CRF funds that LOC negotiated with the governor and the CRF work group. Going forward, reimbursement requests will be made monthly via this portal and will come off the total formula allocation based on your city's population or the minimum funding allocations. Your city's estimated share can be viewed in this Excel worksheet, but these numbers are not guaranteed until certified by DAS. This amount is in addition to any reimbursement your city previously received.
LOC will continue to work for additional CRF resources, but this may be all that your city will receive from this source through December 30 so budget accordingly. If you determine your allocation can not be spent by December 30 please let DAS know so they can re-allocate the funds back into the city CRF pool.
This portal will go live starting July 13 for costs that were not reimbursed from March 1 to June 30, including economic support costs that may have been rejected in the first phase. You have until July 24 to submit reimbursement requests for this period. Please read the instructions for submitting a reimbursement request provided by DAS. Each month cities and counties will be able to submit additional expenses into the portal for reimbursement. There will be a reconciliation, likely in October, and money that is not likely to be spent by December 30 will be returned to DAS.
We know most cities did not have reimbursable costs in the first phase of distributions, but all cities will want to register now as this money can be used to stand up new programs including assistance for your small business and residents who have been economically affected by the pandemic. Those cities who do not have funds available up-front to stand up programs are encouraged to work directly with DAS to determine a path forward so your city can take advantage of the CRF funds available to you under the allocation formula.
All eligible COVID-19-related costs consistent with the U.S. Treasury guidance and a recently revised FAQ document are available for use of your CRF funds. Additional information is available on the Treasury's website. You are encouraged to consult your city attorney if you have questions and you may also reach out to LOC at the email below. Most importantly, read the Treasury guidance and FAQ document. They should be able to answer most of your questions and provide a road map for reimbursement of your costs. Look for additional communication from LOC in the coming days on allowed uses of the funds.
Contact: Mark Gharst, Lobbyist for Tax, Finance, and Economic Development - mgharst@orcities.org or 503-991-2192
Last Updated 7/10/20
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