LOC News

Apply Now for an LOC Conference Scholarship!

The LOC, the LOC Foundation, and the Oregon City/County Management Association (OCCMA) are offering scholarships to help city officials attend the 99th Annual Conference, scheduled for October 17-19 in Bend.

Scholarship applicants can request coverage for conference-related expenses beyond the cost of registration, including lodging expenses, travel expenses, and tickets to attend the LOC Awards Dinner.

Available funds will be shared among scholarship recipients who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference.

Complete the LOC scholarship application here. Applications are open until 5 p.m. on July 19.

Contact: Brie Ligammari, Conference Coordinator – bligammari@orcities.org

OCCMA Professional Development Program

Active and/or affiliate members of the OCCMA can apply to receive 50% of their registration and travel expenses to be covered for the 99th LOC Annual Conference.  Anyone interested in applying should send a statement of need, resume, and budget request to Angela Speier.

The deadline for this scholarship request is August 1.

Additional information about the OCCMA Professional Development Program can be found at: occma.org/Scholarships.  

Contact: Angela Speier, Project and Affiliates Manager – aspeier@orcities.org

Last Updated 6/14/24

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