Requests for Proposals

Cities can post an RFP for contract services at no charge. For non-members, the rate is $25.
To post an RFP, please e-mail your notice, along with the start date and the expiration date to:

For assistance, please call the League of Oregon Cities at: (503) 588-6550.

Looking for procurement RFPs?  Visit the NPPGov Procurement page


Dundee - Water Feature

The City desires to construct a water feature in Tipsu Palach Park. The Water Feature has been designed as shown in the Project Specifications.

Project Name: Tipsu Palach Park Water Feature
Project Location: 1440 Alder Street, Dundee, Oregon
Project Owner: City of Dundee
Project Financing: City and State Funds
Project Manager: Steve Dahl, City Administrator
City Designer: Dan Jenkins, Sera Architects
Prevailing Wages: The Contractor must comply fully with prevailing wage rates for public works contracts in Oregon published by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry.
Project Submission Date: April 4, 2025 by 12:00 p.m.

View the RFP


Jacksonville - Urban Growth Boundary Review

The City of Jacksonville, Oregon initiated a review of its Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to assess its capacity for projected economic and population growth and determine if an amendment is necessary. The City is following provisions outlined in OAR Chapter 660, Division 24. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), formed by the Jacksonville City Council, recently recommended the City proceed with a UGB amendment. The consultant will provide support to City staff and participate virtually in meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), Planning Commission, and City Council. The consultant will be responsible for refining the process, consolidating data, leading public engagement, and evaluating potential UGB study areas. Proposals are due by 2 p.m. on April 18, 2025.

View the RFP