NPPGov - Procurement

NPPGov Badge Plain Black.jpgNPPGov is a national cooperative procurement organization based in Seattle, WA offering publicly solicited contracts to government entities nationwide. Access to our cooperative contracts is complimentary with no purchasing obligations.

NPPGov is the government division of National Purchasing Partners, owned by non-profit hospitals and supporting their research and healthcare initiatives.

Learn more about NPPGov

RFP Process

The LOC procurement process follows the public purchasing rules and regulations of the State of Oregon.  The general process is as follows:

  • The LOC specification committee, along with the Administrative staff, prepare an RFP to solicit bids from potential vendors for a product or service.
  • The RFP incorporates the required cooperative purchasing language that allows government agencies across the nation to utilize (piggyback off) the contract.
  • The RFP is advertised pursuant to the state public contracting procedures including, but not limited to, distribution by email to all known prospective responders, posting on the LOC and NPPGov website, legally required posting in newspapers of general circulation and posting on other sites likely to give notice.
  • Vendors respond to the RFP.
  • The LOC evaluation committee reviews, evaluates, and recommends award taking into consideration the vendor’s ability to meet specific performance requirements as set forth in the RFP.
  • LOC awards the contract to one or more vendors based on the evaluations received from committee.
  • LOC enters into the Master Price Agreements with awarded vendors.
  • The Master Price Agreements are made available to members of NPPGov by execution of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement available to all NPPGov members.

For more information, contact or call 503-588-6550.


RFP Closing Date 
#2500 Commercial Grade Furniture Purchase, Lease, and Rental  
Notice of Solicitation
April 30, 2025
#2510 Park, Playground, and Recreation Equipment  
Notice of Solicitation
April 30, 2025
#2505 Equipment Rental and Sales
Notice of Withdraw
#2515 Public Safety Medical Supplies, Equipment, and Monitors  
Notice of Withdraw
#2520 Vocational Education Tools and Resources   ​​​​​​​
Notice of Withdraw
#2525 Utility Vehicles and Alternative Transportation  ​​​​​​​
Notice of Withdraw