Legislative Basics
This section will provide a baseline of information as you enter Oregon’s legislative process. The links below help you understand Oregon’s legislative process, prepare for testifying, show you how to submit testimony, and explain the importance of being prepared as you engage with legislators and advocacy.
Video: Lobbying Basics
Helpful Links
Oregon State Legislature
The website of the Oregon Legislature
Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS)
Search bills, votes, committees and legislative history
Legislative Glossary and Common Acronyms
Definitions of common terms and legislative acronyms
Find Your Legislator
Enter your address to find your legislative district and legislator contact information
Interactive District Map
Interactive map with various layers including legislative districts, city limits, county boundaries, school districts and more
Legislative District Fast Facts
Infographics for each Oregon legislative district with data on population characteristics, housing and households, health care, and employment.
How to Testify in Committee Hearings
Instructions on how to register to testify in person and remotely
How to Submit Written Testimony on a Bill
Instructions on how to submit testimony online
Guide to Lobbying in Oregon
Publication produced by the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) that covers the legal requirements of lobbying in Oregon.
Oregon Lobbyist's Briefcase Companion
A guide created by the Oregon Capitol Club that includes unique customs, etiquette and traditions inside the Oregon Capitol.