LOC Women's Caucus
Our Vision
Every woman pursuing or holding office in Oregon cities will excel in their leadership journey through finding peer support, education and inspiration in the LOC Women's Caucus.
Our Mission
The LOC Women’s Caucus supports Oregon women to succeed in municipal government positions as mayors and city councilors or commissioners.
W.E. Talk Schedule
Next date TBD
Her Own Wings Podcast
The Women's Caucus is proud to launch a new podcast, "Her Own Wings," featuring women in local government. Hopefully, these conversations will inform others about awesome women who are creating positive change in our state and create connections with others who have or are hoping to engage in service. We hope this informs and inspires those listening to think about the way they could join and become involved in public service and leadership.
Join the Caucus
Thank you for your interest in being a member of the Women's Caucus. Click here to complete the 2025 Women's Caucus Membership Declaration Form. Directions for declaring your membership can be found here. Membership in the Caucus terminates when a member submits a written rescission of her membership to LOC staff or the President.
The purpose of the Women's Caucus is to
- Promote positive and effective relationships among women city officials, their communities, political leaders, and the LOC;
- Build and increase the capacity of women to engage in and serve in local government;
- Serve as a resource to the LOC Board in the formulation of its policy agenda;
- Equip and advance women city officials to serve in positions of leadership on the LOC Board; and
- Support, encourage and highlight the successes of city officials who are women.
Press Release: LOC Women’s Caucus Officially Recognized
Caucus Meetings
- Board Meetings - First Wednesday of each month, noon - 1 p.m.
Women's Caucus Newsletter
January 2023 - Issue 1, Year 1. Q1
April 2023 - Issue 2, Year 1. Q2
Caucus 2025 Governing Board
Board of Directors:
- President - Mindy Garlington, Councilor, Gladstone
- Vice President - Marilyn Smith, Councilor, Albany
- Secretary - Susan Wahlke, Mayor, Lincoln City
- Director - Roxanne Beltz, Councilor, Monmouth
- Director - Melia Biedscheid, Councilor, Gold Hill
- Director - Anjelica Ceja, Mayor, Aumsville
- Director Carol MacInnes, Mayor, Fossil
- Director - McKennon McDonald, Mayor, Pendleton
- Director - Tita Montero, Councilor, Seaside
- Director - Gladys Rivera, Councilor, Hood River
- Director - Jeannet Santiago, Councilor Scappoose
- Director - Elvie Sutton, Councilor, Silverton
- Director - Nikki Wood, Mayor, Lakeside
Other Caucus Information
LOC Women's Caucus 2-Year Work Plan
LOC Staff Liaison: Lisa Trevino, ltrevino@orcities.org.