The work of running a city is never done. The LOC's affiliate organizations help support you so you can best serve your cities.
Affiliate Organizations
The League of Oregon Cities formally recognizes other organizations that are:
(1) Composed of local government officials;
(2) Are formally recognized under a constitution or bylaws, or both; and
(3) Are recognized by the LOC Board of Directors.
Currently, there are 10 affiliate organizations. The presidents of each of these organizations are invited to attend all LOC Board of Directors meetings and are otherwise kept abreast of LOC programs and services. Many will identify a liaison to the LOC as part of their governing structure. Unless otherwise noted below, the LOC does not provide staffing support to these organizations.
Oregon Mayors Association
Established in 1972, the OMA is a voluntary association of Oregon mayors. Its constitution and by-laws specify several purposes for the organization: to increase the knowledge and ability of persons serving as mayor; to promote the exchange of information and ideas among mayors; to provide opportunities for meeting and discussion of the special functions of the office of mayor; to provide collective efforts for influencing state programs and legislation; and to further the programs and objectives of the League of Oregon Cities.
The LOC provides staffing support to the OMA.
LOC Staff Liaison: Angela Speier
Oregon City/County Management Association
The OCCMA, established in 1958, is a voluntary association of persons who hold the position of administrator, manager or assistant administrator or manager of a city or county in Oregon. Its constitution and by-laws specify three purposes for the association: to support professional management in local government by increasing the knowledge and ability of administrators and managers; by promoting the exchange of information between members; and by offering personal support to members. The OCCMA is also dedicated to sustaining the functions and aims of the International City/County Management Association.
The LOC provides staffing support to the OCCMA.
LOC Staff Liaison: Angela Speier
Oregon City Attorneys Association
The OCAA, established in 1984, is a voluntary association of appointed city attorneys of any city that is a member of LOC, or any other attorney employed by a city or by a law firm that represents cities. The association serves as an advisory body of the League on programs that relate to matters of interest to city attorneys.
The LOC provides staffing support to the OCAA.
LOC Staff Liaison: Meghyn Fahndrich
Oregon City Planning Directors Association
The OCPDA, established in the mid-1970s, is an association of persons who hold the office of chief planning administrator. The organization's by-laws specify three purposes: 1) to serve as an advisory body of the LOC on programs that relate to planning and community development; 2) to assist and support the LOC in representing planning community development interests to local, state and federal agencies and the Legislature; and 3) to provide a forum for city planning directors to share information and community problems and solutions.
The LOC provides limited staffing support to the OCPDA.
LOC Staff Liaison: Meghyn Fahndrich
Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders
OAMR, established in 1983, is a voluntary association of recorders or deputy or assistant recorders of any Oregon city, county, regional government, district or other municipality. The OAMR is closely affiliated with the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC). The purpose of the association is: "To provide educational experiences of the highest quality for the recorder, and to promote professionalism."
LOC Staff Liaison: Angela Speier
Oregon Economic Development Association
OEDA is a statewide non-profit organization working to support economic development professionals who are on Oregon’s front line in diversifying and expanding Oregon’s economy.
LOC Staff Liaison: Jenna Jones
Oregon Government Finance Officers Association
OGFOA, established in 1957, is a voluntary association of persons (appointed or elected) who have responsibility for governmental finance or accounting in a city, county, special district, port, community college or state agency. School districts and private sector finance professionals are eligible for associate membership.
LOC Staff Liaison: Jenna Jones
Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police
Established in 1953, OACP is a voluntary association of persons employed within the state as chiefs of police. Its mission statement identifies OACP as "dedicated to helping communities achieve the highest level of physical safety and an accompanying sense of well-being through progressive police leadership." The organization implements this mission through executive training, community safety education, applied research, scholarships and by monitoring legislation.
LOC Staff Liaison: Scott Winkels
Oregon Fire Chiefs Association
The Oregon Fire Chiefs Association proudly serves Oregon's fire service. A membership organization, OFCA strives to provide leadership and valued services to support fire chiefs and administrative officers throughout the state through information dissemination, professional development, advocacy and networking.
LOC Staff Liaison: Scott Winkels